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Whether you've visited a Naturopath before or not,

it is common to have questions so here are the answers to

frequently asked questions 

In the Classroom

What is the structure?

You will meet for your initial consultation and be given a few action steps to introduce in the days following your appointment. You will agree on an appointment time for your next session within a week from this initial consultation.

Amy will then prepare your wellness plan which you will receive at your next appointment the following week. 


How long will appointments be?

The initial consultation is up to 1 hour. You will be sent out an admin pack to prepare for your appointment. Follow ups vary in length from 30 to 60 minutes.


How much will it cost?

The cost of an initial consultation is $200 and you can expect to require 1-3 30 minute follow ups at around 3-4 week intervals to get the most out of your work with Amy. These follow up appointments are $60 each.


Are herbs and supplements included in my appointment?

Any herbal formula and/or supplements are at additional charge to your appointment and prescribed on an 'as needed' basis.


Will I get a specific food plan?

You will receive nutritional advice to support your wellness plan. If you require further detail to achieve your goals you can purchase a 1 week food plan for $80. This will be discussed at your initial consultation.

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